7 Programming Languages to Teach Kids How to Code

5 min readJul 5, 2021


Child studying online

We all know about the English language. With time we realize that there are different forms of the same language. There is Standard British English, North American English, the English that is spoken in Scotland, Ireland, and Australia — all of which differ from each other. So, we understand that there are different varieties of English being spoken all over the world. Each type has different traits that make it unique.

Coding or computer programming is also a language. Like any other language, it has different varieties. From basic coding to more sophisticated languages like C++, there are a variety of languages through which kids can learn coding. Kids learning coding need to select a language with which they will communicate to the computer. This language is formal and is used to provide specific instructions to the computer. The better kids learning coding understand the language — its syntax and grammar, the more their productivity increases. They can accomplish more over a shorter period.

The first step for kids learning to program then is to select a language. Below, we have listed the 7 different top programming languages of 2021 for kids along with their descriptions. The list is not a ranking list. It points out the 7 best languages through which kids learn programming.

1) Scratch

MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten Lab developed Scratch. It is a free programming language for kids between the ages of 8 and 16. Scratch provides an intuitive, easy-to-use visual block interface. The simplicity of the platform entices kids to be invested in code learning. It can be utilized by kids learning coding to build interactive stories, games, and animations. Even complete novices can utilize this platform. It has extensive support with a global online community of more than 15 million registered users.

Gaming and game-style coding is the best approach for kids to learn programming. There are several other platforms like Blockly, Alice, Twine, etc which are also ideal for beginners and novices in code learning. But Scratch has consistently remained as one of the top programming languages for introduction to coding.

2) Java (Minecraft coding language)

This platform is for those who already have a basic understanding of coding. One of the widely used programming languages in the world today is Java. It is also the language of the game Minecraft. Minecraft’s appeal offers such an excellent “carrot on a stick” experience for children that it has become a highly popular technique to teach children coding. While adults often consider Minecraft to be just another game, it has different benefits. Minecraft allows children to use logic, solve problems, and even strengthens several core academic requirements. It is an extremely good platform to teach the basics of Java to children and those at an intermediate level. It also allows children to understand the syntax of coding language better.

3) JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most common coding languages. Most software as well as all browsers these days run on JavaScript. It allows children who learn it to develop interactive games and apps from simple web documents. It is an ideal platform for children to learn the fundamentals of programming and progress towards web development and design.

Java and JavaScript are two different languages. Applications made using Java runs in a virtual machine or browser. JavaScript code is run on a browser only.

4) Lua (for Roblox)

This platform introduces children to text-based coding. It has been designed to be embedded in applications making it a popular language for game engines. It allows children interested in game programming to pick up a coding language quickly. The popular game Angry Birds is based on this language. It has already won several awards as the best programming tool for gaming applications.

5) Python

Python is a text-based computer programming language. It can be used by children as young as 8 years old to express their creativity. It is one of the basic coding languages owing to its simplified syntax. But this does not decrease its versatility. While it is ideal as a basic language, it can also be used in sensitive fields like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity. It is highly popular in scientific fields and even used by companies like Google and Disney. It can be used to develop video games, web frameworks, and many scientific and numeric computing projects. It is ideal for children who want to create easy-to-read codes and for those interested in AI.

6) C++

This program allows for the creation of an application that can run on your computer. It is ideal for teenagers as it takes time to learn the language owing to its complex nature. Teens with a basic understanding of coding are ideal candidates for this platform. Any teen aspiring to be a programmer needs to know this language.

7) C# (Unity)

This programming language is exclusively used to develop third-party applications for Windows. It is almost a clone of JavaScript-based on their similarity in syntax. It can be used to create web applications, games, and other programs for windows. It is a great programming language for children who know JavaScript and want to learn something similar.

The above shows our choices for the top programming languages of 2021. It is not an exhaustive list. The choice to learn any language is governed by three factors –

  • Choice based on skill level. A child adept in JavaScript will not want to learn Scratch deeming it too childish.
  • Choice based on the output required. A casual interest will help a child to pick up the basics of Scratch. A deeper interest will allow a child to pick up JavaScript more easily.
  • Transferability will affect your choice. A child knowing the basics of JavaScript will normally progress towards learning C#.

As the parent, it is your responsibility to help your child select the right programming language which would help them in their creativity and confidence building.

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